March – the final frontier – decisions, decisions and then some

The last month has seen the old boundary wall come down and a new one pop up. I now need to decide what fence to put up – timber fencing is leading the choice war.

I have also moved apartments (against my will) and am now looking forward to finally leave the confines of a small space into my new house.

SiteID has been working away at some of my interiors and the initial ideas look promising. The doors are about to get hung – the glazing should be in by the end of the week – it’s been a long wait: apparently acoustic glass isn’t the easiest to get hold of.

Next on the very long list, is the garden, which is going to involve yet a whole new set of thoughts and drawings. Existing trees (alien or not;) might need to be moved or removed and a design to include a pool (coming sometime in the future) will need to be drawn up.

I also need to decide what colour to paint the main first floor of the building.